Privacy Policy

Our dealership takes your privacy seriously and is committed to safeguarding your privacy online. Because we do gather certain types of information from visitors to our sites, we have developed a privacy statement to help you understand the terms and conditions surrounding the collection and use of that information. This statement discloses the types of information we gather, how it is used, and how you can gain access to and edit any data that we've collected about you at any time.


Our dealership respects the privacy of individuals who visit our Web sites, send us e-mail, or participate in features/services we offer online. Accordingly, our policy regarding online privacy has been developed using the following guiding principles:

Our dealership maintains a strict "no-spam" policy. Subscribers to our e-mail services (or any other feature/service found on our Web site) will not receive unsolicited e-mail messages from us. Our dealership collects information online primarily to provide our visitors with a more relevant experience on our sites. When doing so, we will make every reasonable effort to avoid excessive or irrelevant collection of data. Our dealership will take reasonable physical, electronic and managerial measures to safeguard and secure any information you provide to us (e.g. data will be stored in protected databases on secured servers with restricted access). Our dealership will not share any information you've provided to us with anyone without your consent other than to provide the service you've requested. At the time you register for any such service, you will be notified of, and asked to consent to, the sharing of your information with any particular third party necessary to the provision of the requested service.


Anytime you visit our Web site, we may gather certain non-personally identifiable information regarding the means you use to access our site. This information may include the type and version of your browser, your service provider, your IP address and any search engine you may have used to locate the site. We use this information to help diagnose problems with our server, administer the Web site, and compile broad statistical data. In addition, we gather certain navigational information about where you go on our Web sites. This information enables us to determine which areas of the Web sites are most frequently visited and helps us to tailor the sites to the needs and interests of our online visitors. Such information is gathered by us in the aggregate and will not be associated with a specific individual without that individual's consent.


Any information you provide to us (i.e. name, e-mail address, etc.) when you enroll in one of our E-Mail Reminder Services, request information, or use any of the other interactive portions of our Web sites, is securely maintained on our Web server and internal systems. This information may be used to provide you with information you've requested about our company, our products and our services, or to provide you with special notices. You may opt out of receiving future communications at any time (see opt-out Procedures below). This data may also be used to tailor your experience on our sites by providing content that is relevant to your interests and geographic region.


To help us better understand and respond to your needs and interests, we may in the future receive information about you from other sources. We will ask any provider of such information to represent and warrant that the information has been gathered and maintained in accordance with all state and federal laws. Any such information will be maintained by us in accordance with the standards set forth in this privacy policy along with other personal information you've provided.


Our dealership understands the importance of your privacy. We collect and maintain the personal information of our consumers for our use and our subsidiaries. We do not sell, rent, or trade consumer information to third parties, other than as described below, and never without your consent. Third parties may collect personally identifiable information about your online activities over time and across different websites when you use this website.


Our dealership may partner with select retailers and other companies at various times to provide expanded services to our site visitors. As part of such a relationship, we may share with these companies the use of certain interactive Web site functions (i.e. the E-Mail Reminder Service). Information provided by site visitors through the use of such interactive functions may be available to both our dealership and our partners.


Our dealership may use other companies and individuals to perform certain functions on our behalf. Examples include administering e-mail services and running special promotions. Such parties only have access to the personal information needed to perform these functions and may not use or store the information for any other purpose. Subscribers or site visitors will never receive unsolicited e-mail messages from agents working on our behalf.


In the event that our dealership sells or transfers a particular portion of its business assets, consumer information may be one of the business assets transferred as part of the transaction. If substantially all of the assets of our dealership are acquired, consumer information may be transferred as part of the acquisition.


Our dealership may disclose specific personal information based on a good faith belief that such disclosure is necessary to comply with or conform to the law or that such disclosure is necessary to protect the users of our Web sites, the sites themselves, or the public.


Other than as set forth in this Privacy Policy, you will be notified when any personally-identifiable information about you may be shared with third parties, and you will be given the opportunity to decline to share that information.


Our dealership may use a browser feature known as a "cookie." Cookies are small files placed on your hard drive that assist us in providing you with a customized browsing experience. Our dealership uses cookies to provide you with the convenience of not having to reenter information, such as user IDs and passwords, multiple times during your visits to our Web sites. Cookies can also be utilized to help us provide you with information targeted to your interests, based upon your prior browsing on our Web sites. The "help" section of the toolbar on most browsers will inform you on how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you upon the receipt of a new cookie, or how to disable the use of cookies completely. As our Web sites have been designed to take advantage of the use of cookies. Should you configure your browser to decline their use, certain features of our Web sites may not function correctly and you may be required to renter any user IDs and passwords more frequently.


If you are visiting our Web site from a location outside of the U.S., your connection will be through and to servers located in the U.S. Any information you provide during your visit will be processed and maintained on our Web server and other internal systems located within the U.S.


Our Web sites contain links to other sites. Our dealership is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Web sites. To help ensure the protection of your privacy, we recommend that you review the privacy policy of any site you visit via a link from one of our Web sites.


The personal data record created through your registration with our Web site can only be accessed with the unique password associated with that record. To protect the integrity of the information contained in this record, you should not disclose or otherwise reveal your password to third parties.


Our Web sites may make chat rooms, forums, message boards, and/or news groups available to its users at various times. Please remember that, unless otherwise stated, any information that is disclosed in these areas becomes public information and you should exercise caution when deciding to disclose your personal information in these areas.


You may always opt-out of receiving future communications from our dealership. Our sites allow users to opt-out of receiving such communications at the point where personal information is requested, or through other means as identified.


Some browsers incorporate a "Do Not Track" (DNT) feature that, when turned on, signals to websites and online services that you do not want to be tracked. Because there is not yet an accepted standard for how to respond to a DNT signal, we do not currently respond to DNT signals on this website or on websites where we provide advertisements, content, or other services.


If you have questions concerning this Privacy Policy or the practices of these sites, you may contact us.

* Indicates a required field


You may exercise your access, data portability, and deletion rights described above by either:

  • Calling us
  • Completing and submitting the form on this page


We use the analytics and reporting system, Foureyes®, (the "Tool") provided by our website analytics vendor, Foureyes, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company.

When used in this Supplemental Privacy Notice ("Tool Privacy Notice"), "we," "us," and "our" may refer to us, Westcott Mazda ("Dealer"), and/or Foureyes, its affiliates or subsidiaries (collectively, “Foureyes”), and Adpearance, LLC, its affiliates or subsidiaries as applicable. This Tool Privacy Notice may be posted or displayed separately on the site or may be appended to another privacy notice or policy posted or displayed on the site (“Additional Privacy Notices”). To the extent an inconsistency or conflict arises between the terms of this Tool Privacy Notice and any Additional Privacy Notices, the terms of this Tool Privacy Notice will control with respect to the tool. However, this Tool Privacy Notice applies only with respect to the Tool, and not any other features or functions of the site.

This Tool Privacy Notice describes how the Tool works when you visit this site and on our phone system, and how it collects, uses, and discloses your personal information. Please read this Tool Privacy Notice carefully. We may also update or modify this Tool Privacy Notice at any time by posting it to this site. Please refer to “Effective Date and Modifications” below for the effective date of this Tool Privacy Notice.

By using this site or our phone system, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information as described herein. If you do not consent, you may opt-out of the use of the Tool (as set out below).You may withdraw your consent at any time, subject to legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice, by contacting the office of our Privacy Officer using the contact information set out below.

How the Tool Works. For each visit to the site, the Tool: (1) identifies the traffic source for the visit; and (2) issues a unique visitor ID number and visitor traffic number. As the user navigates the site, the Tool may track and store the pages visited and features used. The Tool also may collect and link information provided through forms featured on the site or during phone calls with a visitor ID number. Using local storage, the Tool may also store data in the user's Internet browser or in a data repository on the user's device for purposes of associating the user with his or her user profile. The Tool operates only on the site and our phone system – it does not track information regarding your use of other sites or activities on other sites.

Purpose of collection. Using the Tool, we collect personal information for purposes related to managing, marketing and developing our businesses as further described herein and including:

  • establishing and managing business relations with you
  • providing us with information in order to allow us to analyze usage of the site, improve the site, the Tool, and for development of new services and products;
  • marketing products and services to you; and
  • for other purposes related to the management of our relationship.
  • Foureyes further collects personal information for purposes of operating and administering the Tool for subscribers of the Tool, such as the Dealer and other third parties.

Information Collected and Usage of Information. The Tool creates a user profile including the user's visitor ID number and any information the user directly provides through the site or other interactions with the site and/or the company associated with the site (e.g., phone calls and chats). This information may include a user's personal information, such as name, personal phone number, home address, email address, and similar information, whether or not this information is complete or partially entered by the user. We will not ask for or knowingly associate financial information with your user profile. Unless the user provides us personal information, the information we collect using the Tool and which is associated with the user profile is limited to information automatically collected as a user browses and interacts with the site, such as the user's browser type, available plugins, Internet service provider, Internet protocol ("IP") address and/or mobile device ID, and pages visited, features used, and activities performed on the site. Except as otherwise expressly set forth herein, the information collected and associated with a user profile is used, maintained and disclosed in accordance with the restrictions, consents, and permissions in this Tool Privacy Notice and any Additional Privacy Notices (if any), including obligations of confidentiality and restrictions on disclosure to third parties.

You expressly acknowledge and agree that the information associated with your user profile may be used to understand and analyze the usage of the site, and for the purposes of marketing products or services to you. In particular, where it is lawful to do so (please see additional note below on Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation), the Tool may automatically generate and send email marketing communications to you (to the extent you have provided your email address as part of your interactions with the site and/or the company associated with the site). The content of those email marketing communications may be based on the pages that you have visited and/or the features you have used on the site. To opt-out of receiving the email marketing communications generated by the Tool, please see the Opt-Out instructions below.

Third Party Disclosure.Unless required or permitted by law, the information associated with your user profile will not be used or disclosed to third parties other than for the purpose for which it was collected, without the user's prior consent.

For purposes of clarity and in addition to any disclosure to third parties described in any Additional Privacy Notice, the information collected by the Tool and/or associated with your user profile may be disclosed by Foureyes to the following category of third parties or as otherwise authorized or required by law:

(i) OEMs: Adpearance and/or Foureyes partners with various automotive manufacturers ("OEMs") as a part of their respective certified marketing programs and their affiliates.

(ii) Third Parties: Foureyes is party to certain agreements with third parties with whom it conducts business regarding the Tool and/or the information collected by the Tool and/or associated with your user profile. Adpearance and/or Foureyes may disclose your personal information to such third parties who may provide services that facilitate the operation of the Tool, assist us in providing an improved customer experience to you, or assist us in providing improved services to Adpearance’s and/or Foureyes' customers.

Blocking and/or Disabling the Tool. The Tool gathers information about the user's computer hardware and software configurations to identify the user each visit and associate the user with their existing user profile. Unlike a "cookie", and except for local storage discussed below, the system does not store a file on the user's computer; therefore, the user information gathered is not deleted when the user clears their cache and/or deletes their cookies. In order to disable the tool, see the Opt Out instructions below.

Opt-Out. The Tool's opt-out functionality is cookie based, so for it to work for you, your browser must allow third party cookies. If you change computers or browsers or delete this cookie, we will no longer know you have opted out, so you will need to opt-out again. To opt out, Click Here. Note that opting out of cookies on the Dealer’s site will not be an opt out with respect to the Tool.

You may also opt-out of, or withdraw your consent to (where the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation applies) receiving email marketing communications generated by the Tool by sending a request to, or by clicking the unsubscribe link on any such email marketing communication you receive. Please note that clicking the unsubscribe link may only result in your no longer receiving marketing communications generated by the Tool; you may still receive other email marketing communications from the Dealer. If you opt out or withdraw consent with the Dealer or on the Dealer’s site, you will still also need to opt-out or withdraw your consent regarding the Tool as set out in this paragraph.

As noted above, the Tool may also collect and store information (including personal information) locally on your device using mechanisms such as browser web storage and application data caches. Browser web storage enables websites to store data in a browser on a device. When used in "local storage" mode, it enables data to be stored across sessions. Similarly, an application data cache is a data repository on a device. You may stop local storage from being used by modifying your Internet browser settings, but stopping local storage may result in the site having impaired or limited functionality. Furthermore, disabling local storage will not block the Tool from operating; rather, it will only prevent the Tool from collecting and storing information locally on your device. To disable the Tool, see the Opt-Out instructions above. Further, you should refer to the help provided by your Internet browser for the most up-to-date and accurate instructions on disabling local storage.


Accessing, Correcting, Updating Your Personal Information. You have a right to know what personal information we have about you and correct any inaccuracies. To review your information that is collected using the Tool, contact Foureyes by email at or by regular mail addressed to Foureyes, LLC, 525 3rd Street, Suite 311, Lake Oswego, OR 97034.

Data Retention. We keep information associated with your user profile for as long as we think is necessary or advisable to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, and we reserve the right to retain it to the full extent permitted by law. If required by law, a governmental order, or similar legal process, we will disclose your information.

Children. The site is intended for adults who have reached the age of majority in their state, province or territory of residence. The site is not directed at children under age 16. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under age 16, and if we learn that the Tool has collected information of a child under age 16, we will delete the information.

Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation. We are committed to complying with Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation and will only send you email marketing communications (or other commercial electronic messages, as defined in Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation) where it is lawful to do so. If you have consented to receiving marketing materials from us, you can withdraw your consent to receiving email marketing communications generated by the Tool by sending a request to, or by clicking the unsubscribe link on any such email marketing communication you receive. Please note that clicking the unsubscribe link may only result in your no longer receiving marketing communications generated by the Tool; you may still receive other email marketing communications from the company associated with the site.

European Union Privacy. If the processing of your information in connection with the Tool is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 ("GDPR"), we have additional obligations and you have additional rights under the GDPR. These rights and obligations are as follows:

We will process your personal information using the Tool in order to support our provision of services in connection with your use of the site. The lawful bases for processing your personal information may include:

  • When you have given consent;
  • When processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are a party or in order to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract;
  • When processing is necessary to protect Foureyes' or our legitimate interests or that of a third party, except where such interests are overridden by your interests or fundamental rights;
  • When processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which we or Foureyes are subject; and
  • When processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person.
  • You have many rights with respect to our processing of your personal information. Depending upon the lawful basis of processing, you may have the right to withdraw consent or object to our processing your personal information.

You have the right to be informed about your personal information and how it is being processed, to access, correct and erase personal information, to restrict further processing, to obtain and reuse your data for your own purposes across different services and to object to processing. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant EU supervisory authority.

If we transfer your personal information to a recipient in a country outside the European Economic Area, we will do so in compliance with applicable laws with respect to such transfer.

Storage in the United States. The Tool is operated and controlled from offices in the United States. If you access the site from locations outside the United States, you do so at your own risk and are responsible for compliance with applicable local laws. Your access to the site constitutes your agreement to our storage of your personal information within the United States. You understand that your personal information may be stored and/or processed in the United States, notably at the address indicated above, that it may be subject to the laws of the United States and that it may be accessible to tribunals, courts, law enforcement and regulatory agencies in the United States.

Effective Date and Modifications. This Tool Privacy Notice is effective on July 1, 2024. We review this Tool Privacy Notice at least annually and may amend it from time to time. Except as otherwise required by applicable law, our only notification will consist of posting a new policy.

Supplemental State-Specific Privacy Information. Residents of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Oregon, Texas, Virginia, and Utah have additional privacy rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act, the Colorado Privacy Act, the Connecticut Data Privacy Act, the Oregon Consumer Privacy Act, the Texas Data Privacy and Security Act, the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act, and the Utah Consumer Privacy Act, respectively. This information is available at the following link: Click Here.

Contacting Us. If you have any questions, complaints, or comments about this Tool Privacy Notice, your information, our third-party disclosure practices or your consent choices in connection with the use of the Tool, please contact Foureyes' privacy officer at